The WakuWafu and Starlight Blogger Awards

Honestly, 2016 is currently off to a rocky start as I was greeted to the new year by a death in the family; luckily, my good friend Luke at SpaceFuelledGaming has given me something to look forward to, a tiny glimmer of good news. This nomination may seem trivial or insignificant to some, but these fun little awards have always intrigued me and being nominated for one is simply a delight. So I’d like to say thank you Luke, for giving me a moment to breathe and escape the hectic trauma that has plagued my personal life.

The rules for the WakuWafu Award follows:


1. Thank the person who has nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
2. Choose any 3 things you would like to say about yourself to your fellow bloggers.
3. Think up 3 questions you would like to ask the people you nominate.
4. Give one piece of advice to your fellow bloggers.

5. Make sure to tell us over here ( that you have been nominated (and/or completed the award) so that we can put your blog up on the wakuwafu page! Make sure to put down your blog in the comments section!

The Starlight Blogger rules are:starlight-blogger-award

  1. Thank the giver and link to their blog in your post.
  2.  Answer the 3 questions given to you.
  3. Please pass the award on to 6 or more other bloggers of your choice and let them know that they have been nominated.
  4.  Include the logo of the award in a post or on your blog. Please never alter the logo and never change the rules.

So 3 things about myself that I’d like for all of you to know!

  1. I actually started this site as an outlet for posting my music. After Story is actually the name of my one man band! I used to write a simple video game blog on IGN back in high school, and it was extremely fun. However over time, I simply lost interest as I was about to enter University, and my little blog slowly died. I like to think that AfterStoryGaming is the continuation of my previous effort.
  2. I’m half-Chinese and half-Japanese, but I don’t know how to speak either! I’m a shameful Asian.
  3. I’m also a musician and I can play guitar, bass, drums and can kind of sing! Though I do them all fairly decently.

Now onto the questions left by my fellow blogger!

What video game character would you want as a sibling?

As an avid Uncharted fan, and seeing how the fourth installment is slated for release this April, it’d be extremely adventurous to have Nathan Drake as a brother. Plundering tombs and discovering historical treasures would ensure that a dull moment would never ensue. Plus, in the recent PSX 2015 demo of A Thief’s End, Drake’s heartfelt reunion with his brother was nothing short of a poignant work of art, my actual siblings would never be so excited to see me, and that’s a fact! In all honesty, Nathan Drake would probably be an awful sibling as he’s constantly endangering the lives of his friends and family, is known for deception, and is practically a mass murder, but regardless of his idiosyncrasies, I’d like to have him in my life in some shape or form as he is one of my favourite video game characters of all time.

What is your most anticipated video game this year?

Normally I would use Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End as my choice for most anticipated game, but seeing how I selected that title for the previous question and to ensure some sense of variation, I’m going to select Persona 5 as my most anticipated game this year. For those of you who know me, you’d know that Persona 4 is the most important game to me as it quite literally saved my life; Persona 4 is more than a video game to me, it’s a turning point in my life that paved the way for my self-actualization and recovery, and its importance and personal connection can never be replicated. You can read here for a far more detailed explanation as to how Persona 4 saved my life. I understand that I am completely biased towards the title and my experience and connection to the game is mine and mine alone, so Persona 5 could never replicate the emotional connection that I shared with its predecessor. Persona 4 was quite simply the perfect game at the perfect time. Luckily Persona 5 bears a heavier emphasis on existential growth and finding your own identity, as opposed to an overarching dilemma. This accessible approach is far more tangible, focusing more on character struggles and their inspiring resolutions, a thematic quality that will undoubtedly hit home for a lot gamers. It probably won’t have the same impact as Persona 4, but I am confident that Persona 5 will be a worthy successor and nothing short of an amazing game.

What is your favourite video game OST?

Musical composition for video games has evolved over the many years, with it currently being on par and arguably exceeding the range and depth of original music found in film. Great examples of bombastic compositions that rival the musical work in film are the Uncharted series, the Metal Gear Solid series, the Mass Effect series, and the Halo series (just to name a few). However despite its evolution in complexity and quality, I’d still have to reminisce and go with a nostalgic choice. My favourite video game OST would have to be Pokemon – specifically Pokemon Silver as it was the first game I had ever played. Hearing a snippet of the Pokemon Center theme, or the iconic intro/title screen is an unparalleled rush of nostalgia, allowing for a glimpse into the past, a simple time of obliviousness and innocence. No other game is able to emit a sensation of nostalgia in a manner similar to Pokemon Silver; simply listening to its soundtrack makes me feel like a kid again, a minute escape from the harsh realities of adulthood.

And the Nominees are…

I’m probably a little more anti-social than most bloggers – which is definitely not a good thing – so I don’t have an extensive list of bloggers I interact with, but I enjoy the conversation and work of the few that I do. These select few bloggers are extremely talented and deserve some love too!





Extra Life 

Complex questions for you all!

  1. We’ll start things off with a simple game of marry, boff, kill (for those of you who don’t know what this game is, I’ll list three characters and you must choose one you’d marry, one you’d kill, and one you’d have sexy sexy fun time with): Mario, Donkey Kong, and Bowser, with a detailed reasoning for your decision.
  2. What’s the worst game you have ever played? And was it so bad that it almost deterred you from the gaming medium as a whole?
  3. Lastly, what’s one critically acclaimed/ fan favourite game that you absolutely hate and why?

Closing thoughts

According to the rules, I am to give you all a piece of advice, although I am probably the least qualified person to do so, so my advice to you all is to never forget about the classics and always take time to do the things you love! Firstly, throughout the year I began a segment entitled “Classic Corner” where I’ll give my short impressions on an acclaimed or significant classic title such as Super Mario Bros. 3, and through this I realized how much excellent quality I had been missing out on! I know adhering to the new is fairly exciting as the current cutting edge technology is top notch, with games looking better than they have ever been, but it’s extremely important to experience the beginning of greatness to truly understand and respect its legacy. Plus, most of these classic games are arguably better than any modern title you’ll play this year. Lastly, time can be a fickle bitch; it’s in short supply, and as we grow older, our schedules become tighter, restricting our leisure and freedom. I myself have recently started a new job which does consume quite a bit of time and is the culprit behind my lack of recent posts, but I absolutely love writing about video games and talking to you all, so in 2016 I’m going to make a conscious effort to post more, play more, converse with you all more, but most importantly find a proper equilibrium in my life. Don’t let obstacles impede your ability to do what you truly enjoy.

Thank you again Luke for the nomination!


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Your friendly neighbourhood video game writer/musician from the Great White North. While he's been playing video games since the late 90's, the one video game that kickstarted this obsession, hobby, and possible career (?) was Bioshock, and the rest is history. A firm defender of The Last of Us Part II and believer in Super Mario Odyssey's superiority over Breath of the Wild.

9 thoughts on “The WakuWafu and Starlight Blogger Awards

  1. I have a lot of favourite game OST’s so kudos for choosing just the one, but Pokémon Silver is definitely a strong contender for first place if I had to rank them myself. Every now and again one of the tunes will pop into my head and I will find myself binge listening to the whole OST on YouTube. I really hope they release Gold/Silver on the eshop one day.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Many thanks for the nomination! Though I have no earthly idea how to answer that first question…..

    Anyway, looks like I have to get cracking on this. I’ve already claimed a Leibster Award, so this will go nicely with that.

    Sorry to hear about your loss. That’s always an incredibly difficult time to go through.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No problem 🙂 I’ve thoroughly enjoyed our conversations, especially as of lately 🙂 oh and since you finally got a PS4, you can add me on psn! Mine is Ive_Found_Nemo 😛
      Yeah I made that question especially for you 😉 oh and I already know what you’re gonna answer with for the last question 😛
      And thanks friend, it’s been a little tough, just because it was fairly sudden, and to top it off, it literally happened New Year’s Day, what a way to kick off the new year…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Awesome! My PSN is JentacularMan (it means pertaining or related to an early breakfast, if you were wondering).

        I seriously may have to skip that question. I don’t know if there’s an actual answer to any of it… Why couldn’t you have listed Peach, Rosalina and Daisy instead (I’d totally kill Daisy).

        That certainly is a rough start (not that such a thing is ever easy). Well wishes.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. haha interesting name 😛 I wouldn’t have known that otherwise. If I had gone with those three it would’ve been too easy for you! don’t skip it 😦 and thanks man, just trying to look forward now 🙂 I’m going to go add you now!

        Liked by 1 person

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