Why Uncharted 2 is a Flawed Masterpiece

Obvious spoiler warning for Uncharted 2 and the series as a whole. You have been warned…

In honor of the successful reception and recent admiration of Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, it felt appropriate to relay my thoughts on, what is easily, one of the greatest and my own personal favourite video game series of all time. More accurately, however, I’d like to dissect the unanimous favourite of the trilogy, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, which also happens to be my preferred entry and unsurprisingly, one of my favourite games of all time. Originally released back in 2009, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves arguably set a golden standard for action-adventure as its impeccable pacing, jaw-dropping set pieces, and exquisite character development were second to none, mirroring that pristine joy of a thrilling, quality summer blockbuster. The original’s under-performances and limitations are largely responsible for its sequel’s success as expectations regarding Uncharted 2 were manifested with the original being the standard. Naughty Dog desecrated its initial standard and unfathomably exceeded expectations, improving on every minute detail that the original Uncharted crafted, outclassing it in every way imaginable. Uncharted 2 is the renowned example of how to make a proper sequel; improving and expanding on the initial formula, catering to what exactly made the original so beloved, and never giving into the fear of working with the safe and familiar, upping the ante ten fold if needed. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves exceeded its brethren in terms of sheer scope, fantastic writing along with the exceptional development of their beloved characters, impeccable pacing that’s second to none, its gorgeously cinematic world that raised the bar for graphical possibilities, its bombastically iconic soundtrack, and riveting expedition that boasts a mirroring quality to some of Indiana Jones’ finest work. Even though Uncharted 2 is a masterpiece, it is by no means a perfect game; there are actually several inconsistencies that are notable to say the least, and although they never detract from the masterful experience that is Uncharted 2, they’re still prominent factors that ultimately make Uncharted 2 a flawed masterpiece.

Even a masterpiece like Uncharted 2 can have its fair share of problems
Even a masterpiece like Uncharted 2 can have its fair share of problems

As great as the original Uncharted was, it was none other than Uncharted 2 that was truly responsible for shaping the iconic series into something of its own, something enormously special. Uncharted 2 introduced the globe-trotting scale of adventure that Nathan Drake would become synonymous for, and also implement a myriad of breath-taking set pieces that quite honestly give Hollywood a run for its money. Uncharted 2 is an action spectacle at its finest. Then again, you’ve heard this all before as Uncharted 2 has been unanimously praised left and right for over half a decade; I’m here to prepare you an alternate perspective on its thematic elements, ones that are frequently overlooked due to its impressive accomplishments. For starters, I’d like to address Uncharted 2’s menacing villain, Zoran Lazarević. In terms of pure menacing stature, Lazarević is a great villain as he’s relentless, volatile, sadistic, and emits a downright intimidating aura that’s unpleasant to say the least. His so called “genius-level” intelligence, however, is seldom addressed as we’re predominately told that he’s very clever, though we rarely see any example of this. Yes, he was able to see through the Guardian’s guise and determine the true nature of the Cintamani Stone arguably faster than Drake himself, but aside from these few examples, his intelligence is rarely reflected as he’s poorly portrayed as nothing more than a brooding gorilla. He’s a character that lacks compelling depth, solely being used as an element of intimidation due to his brutal nature, but in truth is an empty shell of a character that is not compelling in the slightest. Uncharted 3’s villain, Katherine Marlowe, is in every way, in my opinion, a superior villain in comparison to Lazarević. Her knowledge, wit, and cunning nature are evidently apparent throughout Uncharted 3’s journey and her personal history with Nate and Sully is a significant touch that alleviates her malevolent nature, an elegant touch that Lazarević could never replicate. The fact that she knows the ins and outs of Drake’s ambiguous history and fiddles with his inner demon and elongated fear are what make her the superior villain, catering to a mind over matter nature. Granted, my thoughts here are purely subjective, and determining which villain is superior is a matter of perspective. Also that final boss fight against Lazarević was downright awful and felt extremely archaic. Granted, the moments preceding Lazarević’s demise were extremely intense, poignant, tranquil, and simply beautiful.

A menacing villain with a lack of character depth
A menacing villain that  lacks proper character depth

Perhaps I’m in the minority when it comes to this next gripe of mine, but I’m not the biggest fan of Uncharted 2’s implementation on supernatural elements. Although they’re relevant to the thematic lore that Naughty Dog have created, I can’t help but feel slightly disappointed by their intrusive nature as its weighted reveal ultimately felt diluted as the original Uncharted presented a similar twist. The Shambhalan Guardians are simply ridiculous, whether you’re referring to how they disguised themselves as yetis to scare off trespassers (although their true nature would’ve been equally terrifying, thus making the disguise slightly redundant) or they’re ridiculous, almost comical, physical stature, it’s safe to assume that the Guardians were not my favourite element of Uncharted 2 as they’re existence is far-fetched at best and questionable at worst as I have yet to encounter a single person feeling indifferent to their existence, let alone love it passionately. Luckily however, the supernatural twist has been a recurring problem with the Uncharted series as a whole, not Uncharted 2 alone, as this same formula is replicated ad nauseam. The original Uncharted introduced the mutated Spanish Colonists which were infected by the cursed golden statue, El Dorado. Uncharted 2’s Shambhalan Guardians were once ancient Tibetans who ultimately became mutated creatures due to the ingestion of the blue resin from the Tree of Life, giving them supernatural abilities. In Uncharted 3, due to the hallucinogenic agent found in the depths of Ubar’s water supply, Drake began to encounter henchmen who were possessed by the Djinn, with their heads engulfed in flames and possessing supernatural qualities. Luckily, this was nothing more than a hallucination and appropriately reflected the grounded nature of Uncharted’s lore. Whether or not Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End decides to replicate this unfortunate tradition or become an exception to the rule remains to be seen, but one can hope, can’t they?

Nobody likes you...
Nobody likes you…

One last personal qualm of mine is Uncharted 2’s criminal misuse of Drake’s best pal, Victor Sullivan. We see Sully throughout the beginning moments of Nate’s second journey, only to contemplate his involvement in the matter, claiming “he’s getting too old for this bullshit” and ultimately decides to back out of the entire endeavor. This questionable decision and its justification are extremely out of Sully’s character as we know that Sully, in a sense, is a father figure to Drake and how he would go to the ends of the Earth for him; that’s the established dynamic of their relationship, eventually proving more factual through the release of Uncharted 3 which showcased the very history between the two of them. Sully has always questioned Drake’s motives and the possible danger that could ensue, but nothing would ever deterred him from his friend or his ambitions. With the simple fact that these two characters have been through thick and thin with one another, one would assume reluctance on certain ventures would be more meaningful and carry significant weight; in the case with Uncharted 2, Sully left for an arguably unjustified reason, until returning for the very final moments of the experience. It’s out of character, never explored, and we’re to assume that Sully just wanted to take a measly vacation, even though history has shown that Sully and Drake are two peas in a pod, a dynamic duo, partners in crime. If Sully were to officially retire after the events of Uncharted 2, then his departure would’ve been warranted showing that he truly was getting too old for the life of an adventurer, however, he plays a prominent role in Uncharted 3, where the stakes are arguably higher with matters becoming unprecedentedly dangerous, thus making his justification for abandoning Drake mid-adventure in Uncharted 2 unwarranted, unacceptable, and irrelevant. Sully deserves better than this as his well developed relationship with Drake was ultimately side-benched and criminally underused in Uncharted 2 with poor justifications.

Sully is extremely upset with his portrayal in Uncharted 2, as he's a better friend than they've made him out to be
Sully is extremely upset with his portrayal in Uncharted 2, as he’s a better friend than Naughty Dog have made him out to be

With my critical analysis, I’m primarily focusing on thematic elements that make Uncharted 2 a flawed masterpiece through my eyes, I personally have no qualms with its respective gameplay, although there are some who feel that Uncharted’s gunplay is rather lackluster, granted I do not share this sentiment. I personally found both the gunplay and traversal to be extremely enjoyable. All negatives aside however, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is a golden staple in my book as it undoubtedly brought a new cinematic quality to the gaming genre that was unprecedented at the time. Its structure of exposition is perfect, mirroring the written qualities of some of cinemas very best, and its pacing fluctuates the core experience, ultimately transcending it from something great, to something untouchable. Chapter 16 of Uncharted 2 entitled “Where am I?” is a magnificent example which takes a huge step back from the chaotic action that preceded, instead portraying itself as breath of fresh air from the traditional hectic nature of most action-shooters, introducing a moment of tranquility and reflection, encouraging Drake to simply interact with the townsfolk of the Tibetan village and admire the beautiful world that he has found himself entangled in. Moments in gaming mirroring this impeccable nature are few and far between, with only Naughty Dog’s other masterpiece, The Last of Us, coming to mind. No game is perfect, the definition of a masterpiece is not correlated to that of perfection, but an experience that is of the highest recommendation and transcends the expectations of the player, nearly reaching the point of perfection; an experience we can’t imagine being any better, managing to leave a significant imprint for the years to come. Uncharted 2 is just that, it’s more flawed than most masterpieces that come to mind, but it’s a masterpiece nonetheless.

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Your friendly neighbourhood video game writer/musician from the Great White North. While he's been playing video games since the late 90's, the one video game that kickstarted this obsession, hobby, and possible career (?) was Bioshock, and the rest is history. A firm defender of The Last of Us Part II and believer in Super Mario Odyssey's superiority over Breath of the Wild.

17 thoughts on “Why Uncharted 2 is a Flawed Masterpiece

  1. The villain for me was always the weakest aspect of Uncharted 2. He was menacing but in a very Bond villain, spinning in his chair stroking a white cat kind of way. Katherine Marlow was probably the strongest antagonist the series has produced thus far.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Couldn’t agree more with you, Lazerivc has always been a one dimensional villain that lacks proper depth and your comparison of him to that of a Bond villain is extremely fitting, you simply put my thoughts into words! And yes Katherine Marlowe is menacing in her own nature, but there’s a certain degree of sophistication that gives her an edge above all the other villains. Thanks for the comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree with almost everything you say here but like Karl think the Lazerivc, although intimidating, wasn’t very fleshed out. He never felt more than a thug to me who just happened to be going in the same direction as Nate and co. Otherwise a great read.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah I too felt that Lazerivc was nothing more than a brooding gorilla with an extreme lust for power, nothing more, nothing less. I guess I didn’t evoke that opinion clear enough in my post? Oops :/ but yeah, I personally thought Katherine Marlowe was intelligent, witty, sophisticated, and was properly fleshed out, being portrayed as more than your typical thug. And her added history with drake and sully elevated her malevolent nature as she has a better understanding of two than any previous villain. Thanks for the comment!


  3. Having played Naughty Dog’s latest efforts (Uncharted 2, Uncharted 3, and The Last of Us), I have to say that they strike me as having sort of a style-over-substance philosophy. The voice acting and character modeling are amazing, and the writing is decent (though not as good as fans make it out to be), but their method of storytelling doesn’t complement its medium very well. They try to compete with movies as opposed to telling a story that can only be told in an interactive format. Also, the player has such little impact on how the story develops; it’s like watching a movie where it pauses every ten minutes and you have to input complex button commands just to get it to start again. It’s to the point where I wonder why they just don’t go ahead and try to direct a movie.

    Also, there was a distinct lack of Sully. That is indeed inexcusable.

    Having said all that, I really did enjoy Uncharted 2 because with that game, their weaknesses were kept under wraps enough that I ended up overlooking this disparity. I then became progressively less impressed with their efforts, culminating in me being completely disappointed with The Last of Us, for their weaknesses as writers only became worse when they tried to be serious.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can respect that. I am fully aware of your disappointment with The Last of Us, and although I don’t agree, I certainly respect your opinion and you do make some good points. The story in Uncharted has always been fairly shallow in my opinion, a definite example of style over substance. I am more invested in the characters of the Uncharted universe. Uncharted’s linear nature may questionable for some, but it’s also part of the charm. It’s as if you’re playing a scripted summer blockbuster. Yeah you don’t necessarily control the story or opportunities to deviate from the beaten path, they’re essentially dragging you along for the ride, which I think is an extremely enjoyable ride. Adding player choice would detract from what many people love about the Uncharted series, which is why I am a little worried about Uncharted 4 as they’re implementing dialogue options, a completely unnecessary addition. Uncharted 2 is a thrilling, interactive blockbuster experience, nothing more and nothing less. I go in for the action set-pieces and I end up staying for the characters and their relationship with one another. And yes, the absence of Sully is unacceptable and luckily that was rectified in Uncharted 3. Thanks for the comment, you voice your opinions extremely well (something I personally think I lack).

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah, I do admit that my opinion of The Last of Us is not a popular one – far from it, in fact.

        Even if the plot of the Uncharted games is by the book and even threadbare at times, I really do enjoy the characters. They, along with the superb action sequences, were what made the series for me. I think you hit the nail on the head there.

        When it comes to linearity, I’d say developers should follow the Half-Life rule: if your game is a metaphorical roller coaster ride, make an experience that feels like you’re riding a real one when playing it.

        Implementing dialogue options will either end up being a great idea that will prevent the series from growing stale or an unnecessary addition that doesn’t have any impact at all. Keeping Naughty Dog’s recent track record in mind, I wouldn’t be surprised if the latter ends up happening, but I’ll reserve my opinion until I actually play the game for myself.

        Thank you for the compliment, though I think should give yourself a little more credit; you’re good at expressing your opinions as well.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Happened to come across this review when I was looking for some Uncharted 4 articles, and I have to say, Uncharted 2 was always my favourite uncharted until Uncharted 4 was released! I’ve just played through it, and I have to say that Naughty Dog really excelled themselves, and I feel as though matching the quality of the story in Uncharted 2 was always going to be a tall order 😀 Uncharted 3 was very good, but I felt it lacked the same mystery and progression of the story which Uncharted 2 had. Anyway, definitely gonna be following this blog! Feel free to check mine out any time too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the kind words friend! I also have an Uncharted 4 review up on my site, so check that out too if you want 😀 And I’ll definitely give your blog a gander, it looks quite nice! Can’t wait to see what you got cooking over there!
      If you end up not reading my Uncharted 4 review, then long story short: I absolutely loved it and it is by far my favourite entry in the series 😛 To me, it was the culmination of Naughty Dog’s learning’s through the Uncharted series and even The Last of Us, creating what is easily the definitive Naughty Dog experience.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ll definitely check out your review! I’m planning to do one of my own too, only just gotten around to playing the game, just simply down to being stuck on a student budget 😀 haha But yeah for me it was Naughty Dog’s masterpiece, and it really hammered home an amazing story, combined with the incredible action packed gameplay the series is famous for. In my opinion, it deserves game of the year!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Cool cool, I look forward to your review! Lemme know what you think of mine!
        Oh boy, the student budget! Don’t remind me, those were dark times 😛 but yes, Uncharted 4 is definitely my game of the year and one of my favourite games of all time!

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